Wednesday, September 3, 2008

2 showers, and a trip to the lake

August was a busy month, so here is the update of what happened with the
family edwards in the month of August!

My friends Melissa and Erin threw a fun shower for me!The diaper game- open the diaper, guess the candy...
I tried each one of course!

I know we are having a boy, this pink pretty thing is for me
to wear after Carter is born... we decided that I
should not wear it around Nick to prevent another
baby coming too soon!

Another game was guess how big the bump is by cutting
a piece of string and then checking it with my belly!

My mom enjoying the diaper game!

So many cute clothes for Carter! I'm going to have to change him
twice a day to fit them all in!

We went on a Camping trip to lake Wentachee!

It was so beautiful while we were there!

We took a small hike to a waterfall!

This was what we did ALOT! Just RELAX!

The cute, cute, cute cabin we stayed in~

I was dying to get in some water this day!

Our Family at the lake enjoying the sun
and the cool water!

My friends Darcy and Heidi threw me a shower
it was so sweet and there was even
a chocolate fountain!
My favorite part of the night was when they opened
it up for prayer, it made me realize how
lucky we are to have such an amazing community
around us who love us & Carter so so much!

This stuffed barn is a prize from Grandma Diane
she told us and Joe - Nick's brother that whoever got
pregnant 1st would get a prize- here it is!


The breast pump- essential for post pregnancy relief!

Darcy and Heidi- holding the playdough babies that
everyone made, and I picked the winner!
Two of the sweetest girls around!

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